Dental inlays and onlays are advanced restorative treatments that offer a conservative yet highly effective solution for repairing teeth with moderate decay or damage. They are ideal for individuals who have too much damage for a filling but not enough to require a full crown.

Restore Your Smile with Precision Inlays and Onlays

Your journey towards a restored smile with inlays and onlays begins with a comprehensive dental assessment by our dentists. During this consultation, we will evaluate the extent of tooth decay or damage and discuss the best treatment options for your specific needs. Our clinic uses the latest dental technology to ensure precise and effective restorations.

The Inlay & Onlay Process

The process of getting an inlay or onlay typically involves two appointments. In the first visit, the decayed or damaged area of the tooth is carefully removed, and an impression of the tooth is taken. This impression is then sent to a dental lab, where your custom inlay or onlay is created. Inlays and onlays can be made from various materials, such as porcelain, composite resin or gold, and are crafted to match the natural color of your teeth.

During your second visit, the inlay or onlay is precisely fitted and bonded to your tooth. An inlay is placed within the cusps of the tooth, while an onlay covers one or more cusps or the entire biting surface of the tooth. The restoration is then polished for a smooth finish, restoring your tooth to its natural look and feel.

The Benefits of Dental Inlays & Onlays Include:

  • Preservation of Tooth Structure: Inlays and onlays require less removal of the tooth structure compared to crowns.
  • Durability: They are highly durable and can strengthen a weakened tooth, offering a long-lasting solution.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Made to match the natural color of your teeth, they provide a more discreet restoration than metal fillings.
  • Improved Oral Health: They effectively seal the tooth, preventing further decay and maintaining tooth integrity.
  • Enhanced Fit: Custom-made to fit precisely, inlays and onlays ensure a comfortable and accurate restoration.

For those interested in dental inlays and onlays in Westmont, Illinois, please contact Art Dentistree at 630-793-1195. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Tarannum Marya to discuss how these restorations can benefit your oral health. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care, helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.