Scaling and root planing is a specialized dental treatment designed for patients experiencing gum disease or at risk of periodontal issues. It is an essential procedure for anyone looking to address the underlying causes of gum disease and protect the longevity of their oral health.

Your path to improved gum health starts with a detailed assessment by our dentists, who will examine the condition of your gums and teeth. During this initial consultation, we take the time to understand your dental history and any specific symptoms you may be experiencing. Our clinic utilizes advanced diagnostic tools to accurately assess the extent of gum disease.

Scaling and root planing involve a deep cleaning of the tooth surface and below the gumline. During the scaling process, our skilled dental hygienists meticulously remove plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and the pockets between the teeth and gums. This step is crucial in eliminating the bacteria that cause gum disease.

Following scaling, root planing is performed. This involves smoothing the roots of the teeth to encourage the gums to reattach, reducing the depth of the pockets. This procedure not only helps in halting the progression of gum disease but also aids in preventing future build-up of harmful bacteria.

The benefits of scaling and root planing include:

  • Improved Gum Health: Thorough cleaning to halt the progression of gum disease.
  • Reduced Tooth Sensitivity: Smoothing the roots can decrease sensitivity caused by exposed root surfaces.
  • Decreased Gum Pocket Depth: Aids in gum reattachment and reduces the risk of future bacterial accumulation.
  • Fresher Breath: Elimination of bacteria and plaque reduces bad breath associated with gum disease.
  • Long-Term Dental Health: Contributes to the overall health and longevity of your teeth and gums.

If you are experiencing signs of gum disease or want to ensure the health of your gums, contact Art Dentistree at 630-793-1195 to schedule an appointment for scaling and root planing in Westmont, Illinois, with Dr. Tarannum Marya. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, effective care for all your periodontal needs, helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, confident smile.